Even a penny will help
Simply by sharing awareness and helping the needy, you can be the one ChangeMaker.
Only money doesn't help. Compassion, Support and Joy.
Share our motive to empower people around You.
While making your donation use #SamratInvestmentsChallenge
* On your every donation you made, we add 25% extra charity to make a better world together. #SamratInvestmentsChallenge never miss a chance to support, be it man made disaster or natural, either COVID or floods, illiteracy, women empowerment and more.
01/19 - 01/23

Please remark the cause to charity through Paytm donations.
Either scan or Paytm to 9501174361 with C ID or using cause (Example- #covid, #flood etc)
Thank You :)
Use code/ hashtags for special payment.
01/19 - 01/23

Please remark the cause to charity through Gpay donations.
Scan and pay using UPI.
Convenient and secure ways to donate, and contribute in making a better world.
Thank You :)
Use code/ hashtags for special payment.